A Drop In The Ocean

A Somatic Practice Retreat

Finca de la Jara, Costa de la Luz, Andalucia, Spain

May 20th - 29th 2020

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A Drop In The Ocean

A Somatic Practice Retreat

Finca de la Jara, Costa de la Luz, Andalucia, Spain

May 20th – May 29th 2020

This retreat - will be a 10 day, community gathering of Dharma Ocean practitioners in rural Andalucia, Spain. This outdoor retreat will seek to deepen our most profound connection to the Earth, while exploring our relationship to the three kayas.

The retreat is about practice and the evolution of practice, from the individual to the whole, from Ego to Eco. It is a peer community event and a co-creation opportunity for Sangha practitioners.

This is intended to be a broadly based, structured retreat programme, created to reflect a pragmatic approach to developing our practice to be relevant to the way we live, work and interact in the World.

Aside from regular daily sitting practice, there will also be movement sessions based on the principles of yoga, tai chi and qigong to establish a firm grounding for somatic awareness in the body.

There will also be a host of unique opportunities to explore and practice meditation deep in natural wilderness and at a number of local, sacred sites of spiritual significance. These include the ancient cork forests of Andalucia, Paleolithic standing prayer stones, Neolithic burial tombs and ceremonial cave systems.

The evening programme will provide a space for listening, discussion and sharing including engagement with a curated programme of sacred music and poetry.

The schedule will allow for a generous amount of self-structured, free time for the mindful exploration of local culture, history and places of interest.

This will not be a silent retreat as the intention is to work on developing a sense of community between practitioners in an effort to establish a thriving support network once participants have returned home. Nevertheless, there will be mutually agreed spaces for silence outside practice.

As further details of the schedule are published, attendees will be encouraged to become involved in contributing to the programme.

The retreat centre borders the cork forests of Los Alcornocales, home to a vast array of flora, fauna and wildlife. While nearby cosmopolitan town of Tarifa, just 12km across the Straits of Gibraltar from Morocco, has a rich and fascinating history together with some of the best beaches in Europe.

The location is off-grid and self-sufficient with all power generated by the sun and the wind and all water pumped from a nearby well. All food will be fresh, locally sourced and organic.

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May 20th Arrive 14:00 to 17:00

Self Practice followed by Opening Circle

May 21st Theme:

Finding Stillness. The Art of Letting Go.

May 22nd Theme:

Space & The Awareness of Space.

May 23rd Theme:

Opening to the Human Soma, Connecting to the Earth Soma.

May 24th Theme:

Reconnecting with the Life Force.

May 25th Theme:

Awakening the Heart.

May 26th Theme:

Endless Possibilities – Surrendering to the Unknown.

May 27th Theme:

The Awakened Awareness of Space.

May 28th Theme:

Integration, Living Your Freedom in the World.

May 29th Depart Midday:

Lasting Reconnection, Remembering Your Medicine. Closing circle

* May be subject to change

Example of Daily Schedule

7:00 – 7:15

Earth Greeting Offering

7:15 – 8:00

Self Guided Practice

8:00 – 9:15


9:15 – 10:00

Theme Guided Meditation Practice

10:00 – 10:20


10:20 – 11.20

Group, Guided Somatic Movements Practice.

11:30 – 13:00

Practice & Sharing: Ancient, Sacred Sites, for off-site Meditation Practice. Different locations each day. Prayer Stones / Caves / Burial Tombs / Cork Forest. To include Informal Ceremony, Ritual or Dedication.

13:00 – 14:15

Return for Lunch at Finca de la Jara. Alternatively, packed lunch available for those wishing to continue their earlier off-site exploration.

14:15 – 16:30

Self-structured, free time for the mindful exploration of local culture, history, places of interest or take a simple siesta.

16:30 – 16:45

Arrive back at Retreat Centre for those who have been off-site.

16:45 – 17:30

Somatic Meditation Practice based around the theme of the day.

17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:50

Themed Talk & Sharing.

19:00 – 20:15


20:15 – 20:30

Short Self Guided Practice & Closing Day Offering.

20:30 – 22:00

Music & Poetry! The Sacred and The Mystical. From Kirtan to Qawwali, from Rabindranath Tagore to T.S. Eliot.


The cost is €75/£65 a day, giving a total of €750/£650 for the 10 day retreat.

The cost has been kept as low as possible in an attempt to make it accessible to all.

This includes all accomodation, food and transportation during the retreat. It also includes the cost of any additional facilitators, guides or live entertainment provided during the retreat.

This does not include travel to and from the retreat centre on arrival and departure.

A deposit of €200/£200 will be required to reserve a space on the retreat, the balance to be paid by April 21th 2020.

Payment possible by installments.


The retreat is limited to the first 25 people confirming their wish to attend.

Unfortunately, once the limit is reached any further practitioners wishing to attend will be placed on a waiting list and offered a place in the event of there being any cancellations.


To book your place on the retreat or for more information contact either:

Frank at: frank@uniiity.com

Mariana Straton at: dharmajoy77@gmail.com